
We like to keep our rules nice and simple.

1. Respect your fellow players.

– Do not harass them.

– Don’t build within 15 blocks of another player unless already approved.

– Do not beg, ask one time, accept the answer you get.

– Not everyone wants to play “together”.

– Personal property/items is just that, if you destroy/take other players things, we don’t have a problem banning you.

2. If there is a themed build, stick to the theme, group build leader has the right to take down your build if you do not comply.

3. If you choose to “claim” and area you want to build, start your project in a timely manner. There are others on the server besides you, it’s not fair to the active players.

4. No whining! It’s not that there is anything wrong about voicing your complaint, but once we’ve heard it that’s it. Complaining over and over about the same subject won’t do you any good. If there is an issue and it’s violating a rule or a build theme, let someone know. Let whoever is in charge of the build know, if someone is breaking the rules let an admin know. If the build leader or admin have made a choice about it and you don’t like it, I’m sorry, deal with it.